Consent for Dental treatment can be a simple, streamlined process

DentalConsent was developed to improve the informed consent process for healthcare professionals and patients.

We aim to streamline and systematise the consenting process for dental professionals based on best practice consenting principals, informed and guided by leading clinical and medico-legal experts.

We also aim for patients to be better informed as part of the consenting process, receiving peer-reviewed information about their procedure (available in different languages) that complies with health literacy guidelines.

There was also a need for a simplified software solution to help healthcare professionals streamline the delivery of this improved consenting information and coordinate how the process is managed, and records are stored, from start to finish.

The service is under continual development and review, and more modules will be added to address the needs of other clinical specialties and procedures.

The DentalConsent team

The team at DentalConsent includes clinical advisors and medico-legal experts who have long aspired to an improved approach to medical consenting.

Developed by MedInfoServices, DentalConsent is an independent Australian software product that has been developed by a collective of clinical and medico-legal experts who are passionate about helping deliver best-practice informed consent.

Find out more

Read about our clinical advisors
Learn more about the DentalConsent service and how it works for clinicians and patients
Register to receive updates as we launch modules for more dental specialties and procedures
Request a demo
Contact us if you have any questions or would like any further information